Mara del Pilar Gomez, artist born in Bucaramanga, Santander in the year 1967, is the creator of this magnificent work. At 16 years steeped in the artistic vein of his father, also an artist, is attracted by the plastic arts, start making a steady Find it by the technique of his vocation. After completing his capacitacin s academic in design and experiment with the imperative of social being, captures his first work in new areas for medium and exposed for the first time in the city of Bogota, by invitation of the Colombian petroleum company, Ecopetrol . The years of study of the effects of light in the figures have made Mara del Pilar go changing your technique, hacindola more thorough, as if to find the versatility of the realities, although this has not prevented abandon their initial ideas, but more well, exerting a continuous influence on the evolution of painting majestic figure body: one such that is characterized by the lightness of the movements, the implied contrast of lights and shades that allow the critic to interact with the paint. The biogrfico rcord Mara del Pilar renen always more adventurous and daring methods of research that seeks to achieve new artistic techniques and effects which are evident reversed color contrast, aimed at the Simplifying the relations colors: Black and White's timeless